Release Signing

This article describes the design ideas of the V2Ray core (v2ray-core) release signing.

All stable release of V2Ray are signed in Signifyopen in new window with a the private key corresponding to

untrusted comment: V2Fly Signing Key

The file being signed is a manifest file named 'Release' with the checksums of all binaries, including unzipped content of zip files.

Binary Transparency

The signed manifest file is published to rekoropen in new window by signing the sha512 hash of the 'Release' file with a topic key. You can generate a list of all the file signed with rekor-monitoropen in new window with the following commands:

echo ' - 2605736670972794746\n86482791\nFehZ1/6CqPAFDaEM1N4xOsFZO1rD6v8nmu8yMjUqzAg=\n\n— wNI9ajBEAiBTwFlsQciw2QNcGmPqCfPnArWAV9kgEygav9EeVsa+RgIgC0Q4vazfZksnzDkqpv687OTF99KnwtI8fb9a9pUHoOU=\n' > logInfo.txt
verifier -monitored-values "$(echo "ZmluZ2VycHJpbnRzOgogIC0gMzk3YzQ1MTJiZDRjMWIxYWQ4MjIxNTAzNDVkMTczNTUwZjRmNmE0NGJlOTM1MzVmZmVlYzRhZTQyZDg2ZGEzMg=="|base64 -d)" --once

The topic key is used to generate a list of hash value submitted to rekor by V2Ray. It is not used for verifying release. The topic key design is necessary as rekor does not support signed message, only detached signature.